Thursday, May 22, 2014

Money, money, money

Money pays the bills in the society that we live in, and  without them it would possibly be a little chaotic. People would have to barter with one another, and then others would care for nobody and becomes thieves.  

The American Indians learned a great amount of knowledge from each other as they exchanged goods, told stories, and sang songs around trading campfires.   They used their resources from mother nature and learned how to survive without electricity, cars, and microwave ovens.  However, Eastern North American Indians did use wampum (beads made from shells) as money, in addition they used it as decorations and wore it on holidays.

This worked for the Indians, because they had trust in each other.  Imagine strangers bartering with each other now days.  Everyone is out to rip one another off, and not to share ideas and goods with one another.   However, many people need to open their sewn shut eyelids, and perceive the world around them to learn that money is not the answer to all prayers.  It gives us  the only  physiological needs that Abraham Maslow described in his hierarchy of needs. 

Out of Maslow’s deficiency needs that will not be met is the need to belong and need to safety.   For instance, a family that is wealthy may have a difficult time with their children, because the parents spoil them with trivial items.  These children will have anything and everything that they want without having to lift a finger, however, the costs vary depending on the individual.

Who will give these children the safety needs that they desire—the need to be loved or the need for attention?  Often young children will get attention by throwing a tantrum, and then the parents will get them something to stop the tantrum.  Older children often become destructive to get their parents attention, and have no concern for anyone.   

When your child’s emotions become suppressed, and they become angry with you.  What will you do?  Work longer hours to get that extra money, and take them down to the toy store to buy something that makes them happy for a while.  Maybe spend time with them, and talk out the problems that are inflicting them.  Then looking for a solution to cure their problem, and this helps them come closer to completing their hierarchy of needs.   

Some people have a difficult time expressing their emotions even when they have not been financially set.  Vincent Van Gogh was an artist that lived in the late 1800’s, and he was exceptionally poor.  Theo, his younger brother, sent him enough francs to live on for roughly a month, because Vincent had decided to devote his life to art.  In his works he used a heavy impasto with bright colors to express himself emotionally.  In his Sunflower series, Vincent ran out of paint, and was not able to eat as comfortably as the month before, so he could afford paint to finish off the series.       

He only sold one work during his short-lived career as an artist, but now his paintings from the Sunflower series sell for millions.  He was a devoted and troubled man, and many believe he was plagued with epilepsy.  His paintings were therapy for him, however whenever he was having a seizure he would not paint until he felt that he was well enough to. 

Money pays the expenses, but it will cause emotional and physical problems if there is too much or not enough.   Finally,  Roger Waters wrote an ode that said “Money so they say/ Is the root of all evil today/ But if you ask for a rise it’s no surprise that they’re/ giving none away.”

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